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YMMV / Meddling Kids (2017)

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  • Complete Monster: Damian/Daniel/Dunia Deboën, architect of the Deboën house and immortal cultist, has tried no less than thrice to awaken the Lovecraftian entity Thtaggoa. A necromancer who tortured the souls of the dead to obtain dark knowledge, Deboën filled up a "personal library" of bodies he'd stolen for his own personal use. The first attempt at his ritual awoke the monstrous wheezers beneath Blyton Falls, putting the entire population at risk for decades; failing the first ritual, Deboën deliberately constructed a "Scooby-Doo" Hoax in his second attempt to use the five young members of the Blyton Summer Detective Club as sacrificial pawns, traumatizing the children forever. When finally confronted again by the grown-up Detective Club years later and asked why he wants to end the world, all Deboēn offers is "fuck it, I just want to see what happens!"
