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YMMV / Masters of Horror S1E6 "Homecoming"

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  • Anvilicious: While the series tends toward good old-fashioned gore and nudity, Season One's "Homecoming", directed by Joe Dante (of Gremlins and The Howling fame), is anvilicious to the extreme. The soldiers killed in Iraq rise from their graves as shambling zombies — not to eat us, but simply to vote against the current president. The supporting characters are all pastiches of Real Life political heavyweights (Karl Rove becomes "Kurt Rand," Ann Coulter is "Jane Cleaver"). When the zombies garner enough sympathy to sway public opinions, and the election outcome favors the opposition, the zombies' votes are thrown out to skew the results (in Ohio and Florida, natch). Of course, the zombies won't stand for this, and suddenly all of America's war dead (back to the Civil War) rise from the grave to get revenge.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: Some of the issues denounced have become sadly timeless, but at the very least, David's age can only mesh so well with being a small child during The Vietnam War.
