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YMMV / Master of the Monster Lair

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  • That One Boss: The Final Boss of Master of the Monster Lair isn't particularly hard... providing that you spend nearly as much time you've already spent on the game to get to him farming for items to increase your strength. The Devil Lord has such ridiculously high defense compared to every other monster in the game, in fact multiple times more than any other boss before him, that without copious amounts of grinding you'll be hard pressed to deal more than one damage at a time outside of weapon specials... and he has an attack that he deploys when he's down to his last third or so of health that WILL heal more than you'll deal in a single turn (in fact, try upwards of five). Oh, and did we mention that he has over 1000 health? All told, he's a difficult boss and he can take around an hour to bring down. Thankfully, with all of the post-game equipment unlocked after beating him, fighting him when he shows up as one of the random bosses on the 20th floor is significantly easier.
