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YMMV / „Kérem a következőt!”

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  • Animation Age Ghetto: Mainly created for adult audiences, the show has episodes about violence, murder, suicide, domestic abuse, divorce, alcoholism, and one episode shows the characters explicitly using drugs (and not of the G-rated variety), all of them Played for Laughs. Also, the show's Spoof Aesops are usually blatantly bad. Nevertheless, because of being animated and having a Funny Animal cast, it is still often aired as a children's programme.
  • Hard Truth Aesop: Played for Laughs; the show's episodes sometimes have really questionable lessons.
    • In one episode, the Boar starts as an alcoholic Domestic Abuser, until he is beaten up by Ursula, which makes him become a humble Henpecked Husband, since his wife liked him more when he was tough and violent. This implies that being a domestic abuser is bad, but being an unmanly wimp is even worse.
    • In another episode, Bubó makes a proposal that fundamental rights in the animal kingdom should be extended. This leads to utter chaos and anarchy as extremist groups and strange sects are formed. The episode implies that a restrictive society is good, and too much freedom leads to chaos.
  • Iconic Character, Forgotten Title: Many people in Hungary refer to this show as "Doktor Bubó". It doesn't help that the 1979 novelization was titled Doktor Bubó.
  • Unintentional Uncanny Valley: Almost every character is designed too human-like to look cute, with just enough animal features to recognize what species they are supposed to be. For example, all bird characters are given human mouths below a nose that's shaped like the beak of their species, whereas many mammal and reptile characters are designed with human-like noses.
