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YMMV / Invader Zim S 2 E 9 The Frycook What Came From All That Space

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  • Magnificent Bastard: Sizz-Lorr is a ruthless and cunning Irken "FryLord" who runs Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster on Foodcourtia and Zim's former boss when the Invader was sentenced to Foodcourtia as punishment for ruining Operation: Impending Doom 2, but was trapped by "the Great Foodening" while Zim was able to escape. Much later, Sizz-Lorr tracks Zim to Earth to recapture him and force him to endure the rest of his sentence, while remaining generous and fair to his other employees. Sizz-Lorr installs high-tech traps to ensure Zim can't escape again, and when his prisoner figures a way to bypass the security system, Sizz-Lorr breaks out the heavy artillery and pursues the alien all the way to the planet's Stratosphere, coming within a hair's width of recapturing his quarry before he's thwarted by a stray sign.
