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YMMV / Entombed

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  • Audience-Alienating Era: Same Difference is not viewed fondly by fans due to the band going Alternative Metal on that album.
  • First Installment Wins: Their first three or so albums tend to be the ones everyone brings up in conversation, as they're often considered the best and most influential.
  • Once Original, Now Common: Left Hand Path is often mentioned in the same vein as Seven Churches and Altars of Madness in terms of just how much it did for the death metal genre, and Wolverine Blues was the album that made Death 'N' Roll popular. The band's early material has been endlessly copied so much though a death metal fan introduced to bands in the vein of Entombed before the band itself may not quite get what the band brought to the table.
  • Periphery Demographic: The American Hardcore Punk and Metalcore scene latched on to Entombed to the point where it became its own subgenre called "Entombed-core"
