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YMMV / Disney's War — A Crossover Story

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  • Complete Monster: The Horned King is the monstrous undead tyrant who believes himself to be a god. The Horned King is accidentally resurrected, and as soon as he is revived, he kills the three witches and then discovers there are other realities so he plans to conquer them all. The Horned King uses the mirror in the central castle to travel between realities. The Horned King manipulates Queen Grimhilde into helping him create an army of fallen Disney villains by pretending to care about her. This constant reality jumping is threatening to tear the multiverse apart, something which the Horned King wants to happen so he can recreate it in his image. Later on, the Horned King brutally tortures the captive Alice with magic and turns her into his puppet. During the big battle, he nearly kills Taran but ends up killing Tinker Bell instead. To restore his power, the Horned King has Grimhilde kiss him to drain the life out of her, killing her. The rest of the villains are horrified at this, so the Horned King kills them all. After which, he summons Chernabog and merges to continue his plan to destroy everything. Even after the Horned King's death, his corruption lives on through Alice, who continues the Horned King's goal to conquer the world and gets even more people killed.
