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YMMV / Demon Dentist

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  • Heartwarming Moments: When the painfully shy headmaster Mr Grey is trying to get the kids in assembly to be quiet, he fails due to his stuttering and crippling shyness. However, Gabz, a girl who is also painfully shy and has barely said a word throughout her time at school, stands on a chair and shouts "C'MON, GIVE THE OLD FART A BREAK!" , prompting the whole assembly to shut up so Mr Grey can speak.
    • Raj comforting Alfie after all his remaining teeth were focefully removed by Miss Root. He gives Alfie a pair of false teeth belonging to his late wife (who also happened to have a glass eye, a rubber hand and two wooden legs.).
  • Nausea Fuel: Alfie never brushes his teeth and hasn’t been to the dentist in six years. And in the first chapter of the book, we get a detailed description of his revolting teeth...
    • The kids finding disgusting things under their pillows such as dead rats, pig’s eyeballs, live worms, maggots, earwigs, bees, dog's tails, bats' wings, old toenails, crispy squashed frogs and dog poo.
  • Nightmare Fuel: This is definitely the darkest book David Walliams has written. Miss Root herself is really scary. The illustrations are no better.
    • Alfie had his teeth forcefully removed by Miss Root!
  • Squick: If you don't like going to the dentist, then this book is bound to make you cringe.
  • Tear Jerker: Poor Alfie losing his teeth to Miss Root.
    • The fact that Alfie and his dad have to cope with borderline poverty.
    • The death of Alfie's dad.
  • The Woobie: Alfie and his dad.
    • Poor Mr Grey.
