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YMMV / China Uncensored

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  • Anvilicious: The show doesn't let you forget that the Chinese Communist Party is corrupt and are horrible in treating everyone including their own people.
  • Broken Base: While some viewers might like the show for sticking to their views on criticizing the Chinese Communist Party, others might not like it since the show is a mouth piece for the Falun Gong, whose beliefs can be outright bizarre to downright racist, sexist and homophobic. Not helping matters is the company that owns the show, New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television, are infamous by left-leaning viewers for promoting Pro-Right wing and Pro-Republican views including spreading fake news on anyone whose a Democrat or Socialist as seen on their other channel, America Uncovered.
  • Fan Nickname: Chris has often been called "Agent Smith" due to frequently wearing a business suit and how similar he looks to Hugo Weaving.
  • Heartwarming Moments: The episode, "China Just Suffered a Crushing Defeat in the Pacific. And It's Thanks To You!", Daniel Suidani is finally being eligible to run for presidency after a year during his exile in Washington, which serve as a major setback to Chinese Communist Party. During this episode's run, Chris Chappel thanks the viewers for supporting Suidani during the tough times, which serve as a message that so long as there's anyone, they can indeed make a difference.
  • Moment of Awesome: In the episode, "YOU Can Strike A Blow To the CCP!" Daniel Suidani, a governor (who opposed the CCP's influence) who forced into exile after he was ousted via from vote of no confidence and denied medical aid (no thanks to the CCP's influence in Solomon Islands), have managed to escape to the Washington DC thanks to the fans who provided money on GoFundMe to let him cover his expense while he seeks asylum. And the best part, despite setbacks, they won and Suidani is able to go to his intended destination to warn the DC about the danger the CCP poses.
