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YMMV / Chainsawsuit

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: A semi-regular gag in the comic is the Law and Order 1999 Cybercrimes Unit, which is a joke off of how inaccurate police procedurals often are when it comes to the internet. In 2015, CSI, one of Law & Order's main competitors, launched CSI: Cyber, which tackles cybercrime and cybercriminals, and is chock full of errors.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Happy Old Year. Enhanced by the description, back when that existed.
    let’s be clear, that guy is not getting some kind of groundhog day-esque do-over. he is alive in a dead, still 2015 — silent and eternal, like a tomb. “happy new year,” he screams to the gray-litten planes of expiry. he will bleat these words, forever too late, until they become pointless sounds that catch in his throat, dry and guttural, as void of purpose and meaning as his once-familiar surroundings. indeed, as he himself.
