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YMMV / Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise

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  • Broken Base: The entire Katara/Aang romance was this by the end of the show and the comics have made it even worse. Is it cute or annoying with the non-stop "sweetie" pet names and oogieness? Or for the ever popular Third Option annoying, yet understandable given the "honeymoon phase" for new couples.
  • Fan Nickname: "Book 4: The Promise" (since 'Air' was already taken)
  • Les Yay: Toph licks Katara's hand to show her what "oogies" are.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Aang killing Zuko? Really? Even if we didn't know that Zuko is Saved by Canon, that's a hard plot point to swallow.
  • Never Live It Down: Kori's determination to protect her hometown, proudness of her interracial family, and progressive view of the world's politics are meant to be her most inspiring traits. However, fans mostly remember her as the rebel who attempted to kill Zuko and faced no repercussions.
