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YMMV / Avatar: The Last Airbender "The Drill"

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  • Fridge Horror:
    • Ty Lee gets a big moment disabling several soldiers attacking the drill. Kind of makes you wonder what was happening on the other side, where the soldiers had to deal with Mai...
    • The drill had a large crew before it flooded with slurry, and other than the command tower and Mai there's no signs of life afterwards.
    • While the slurry presumably mainly consists of rocks, there is a chance that excrement was also part of the mixture as it usually is.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: As mentioned on the main page, Mai saying she'd rather risk Azula striking her with lightning than jump into the drill's drainage system, showing her loyalty to her is not 100%. It was Played for Laughs in this instance, it would not be one season later.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Toph staying outside to slow the drill with earthbending becomes chuckle worthy when not even a month later she gains an ability that would've allowed her to make short work of it.
    • A meta example; Sokka suggests naming their group "Team Avatar" or "The Aang Gang" with Katara telling him It Will Never Catch On. While the names don't stick in-universe, "Team Avatar" and "The Gaang" are both names used by the fandom to refer to the group.
