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YMMV / An Arctic Tale

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  • Anvilicious: The green aesop mentioned. May also count as an Anvil That Needs to Be Dropped.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Too many to count, but baby Seela and her mother hugging definately counts as the most adorable scene in the film.
  • Tear Jerker: The death of Nanu's brother and Seela's Auntie
  • Ugly Cute: Even as a baby, Seela looks like a wrinkled old man with whiskers. But that doesn't make her any less cuter.
  • The Woobie: After the death of her brother, poor Nanu hunts on her own but with little success. It's hard not to feel pity for her after seeing her swim for miles to a remote island in a desperate search for food. By the time she gets there, she's skeletally thin even under the thick fur and too weak to capture food on her own. She is either given the choice of trying to steal a little meat from her larger male rival or continue searching for food elsewhere, both of which could end in her demise.
