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YMMV / Adventure Time Distant Lands Wizard City

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  • Complete Monster: Dr. Caledonius, supposedly a Cool Teacher at Wizard City's school for preeminent young wizards, is actually a deranged cult leader worshiping an eldritch horror named Coconteppi. Caledonius takes an obsessive interest in the amnesiac, childlike Peppermint Butler, knowing he used to be the most evil dark wizard in Ooo's history, and so manipulates and corrupts him into drinking the ichor of Coconteppi and becoming the monster's host, all so that he'll annihilate Wizard City and usher in the "Second Age of Terror". Caledonius has no compunction murdering her own teenaged students; she murders Spader in a failed ritual to summon Coconteppi, then remorselessly orders Peppermint's friend Cadebra murdered when she tries to help him break out of Coconteppi's influence.
