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This show was created to be a Moral Guardian proof SpongeBob SquarePants for preschoolers
While I loved this show, this is something I've long suspected, and wondered if anyone else has. Think about it. It's a lot zanier, more fast paced and more cartoony than most preschool shows. The main character is a unique looking cheerful childlike yellow creature who is kind of square. He lives in a treehouse, and a pineapple kind of resembles a tree. Widget is a lot like Sandy Cheeks, being a female small mammal inventor with a southern (as opposed to Texas) accent. Walden seems like he could have been based on Squidward, if he were a lot nicer and happier. Maybe this was truly coincidental, but I've long felt like the show was created to be a friendlier moral-based substitute for SpongeBob just for preschoolers whose parents find SpongeBob inappropriate. Possibly even to lower the amount of people who mistake SpongeBob for a preschooler-aimed show, and lower the controversy.
  • I'd say this is more of a coincidence. The more cartoony aspects of the show can be attributed to how creator Bob Boyle previously worked on shows skewing for older kids. Also of note is how he created another show that year, the older skewing Yin Yang Yo!.
