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WMG / Its My Life Expanded Universe

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...and the rusty BMW is his TARDIS.

  • No, Skepness Man is a CHRONOMAD. There's a huge difference between the two.
    • Nope, neither. He's a Beauregarde.
      • This is going to be just another iteration of the WMG.Portal The4th Millennium Franchise page, isn't it?
      • Er, last I looked, we actually had invaded that page (the Violet and the Horrible Fanfic Writer WMG), so it's for the better that we have our own page.
      • The fuck does Violet and the Horrible Fanfic Writer have to do with this?
      • Er, I don't know?
      • Whatever. Let's get on WMGing.
    • Actually, I found confirmation of us invading that page. "Except [Violet is] really Marrissa Roberts."
      • Oh. Thanks. You'll be vital in the WMGing. But, as they say, WMGing doesn't wait. So let's get on.

Alternatively, Flashlight Girl is a Time Lord.

Let's face it. Skepness Man was confirmed to be a falmer troll, and of the three new chronomads, Cranky Vasquez and Aranna Sorket are aliens with candy corn horns and gray skin, leaving Flashlight Girl as the only candidate.

  • In addition, she appeared in the story out of nowhere, calls aliens with candy corn horns and gray skin "trolls" and her only involvement in the story is to replace Skepness Man.
    • ...Perhaps Flashlight Girl is Skepness Man's regeneration.
      • Which works... how?
      • After Spectators of the Host, Skepness Man became the leader of Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry. Then Chell Junor gave birth to the second Violet Beauregarde, who, once she grew up, got the throne from Skepness Man. However, the original Violet Beauregarde ("the fake Violet") was not amused and killed Skepness Man, causing him to regenerate as Flashlight Girl. She then went back in time and resumed her routine as a chronomad.
      • Time Lord.
      • Shut up. I'm trying to make up an interesting story here.
      • ...and in parallel, Skepness Man and Chell Junor's kid was the last leader of Beauregarde Chewing Gum Industry, before the city was abandoned due to Critics United's influence and Violet Beauregarde, Jr. got her lower half cut off and upper half remade into a floating robot.
  • Wait, so Skepness Man is a falmer troll?
    • "Wait, so I'm a Beauregarde?" - actual quote by Skepness Man from Spectators of the Host.
    • We just agreed "falmer troll" means "Time Lord". Which leads to the next WMG...

All falmer trollz are Time Lords.

This applies not just to ASBusinessMagnet's lore, but also to the Marrissaverse in general. Same characters (Skep Katty, Ring Mater) exist entirely outside of the Marrissaverse and appear not to be bound by time or death (Skep and Business Man getting married in Born Again Christian and divorcing in THE MARRISSA GAMES, despite the two not being in a single continuity and Skep and Business Man both die in Born Again Christian)

  • Hmm. Last I checked, the Falmer were actually from Skyrim.
    • Let's just agree you've never played Skyrim either.
      • Sure did.
      • Did not.
  • Wait, so Flashlight Girl is a falmer troll?
    • You'd think she'd have more respect for her species, instead of tacking the word "troll" onto an entirely different species.
  • GEEZ, I DIDN'T FINISH. The point is, falmer trollz are also free to think about the universe outside its terms and... wonderful, you made me forget what I meant. I'm never hanging out with you again.
    • Then again, you don't really exist.
      • You know what doesn't exist either? The Spectators of the Host universe. Anyway. Me. Out.
  • What are their TARDISes? Besides Skepness Man, of course.
    • Their MST blogs, obviously.
      • So... five Time Lords share a single TARDIS? (Telltale Fanfic Theater 3000)
      • I especially love how in Parody of a Parade Skepness Man was called a "Meta-Space Traveller".

The story is a Humanstuck AU.

Belarus and Alcatraz are exactly what they appear to be: a country in Eastern Europe and an island in San Francisco. However, both of them, independently from each other, developed a vastly different mentality from the rest of the Earth, being convinced they're actually different planets and that their citizens are aliens, and cosplaying to that regard. The troll quadrants are actually a feature of the Marrissaverse proper: Marrissa and Wheatly, despite being a human and a robot, are still matesprits, while Marrissa and GLaDOS are kismeses.

  • Conclusion: The Marrissaverse's moon (as in, "The Moon") is actually pink.

McJuggerNugget is Janet Roberts in an alternate universe.

To begin with: we were shown that, in the "bad" timeline of Marrissaverse Stories 2015, Janet Roberts doesn't exist (as Skepness Man and Chell Junor never got along). On the other hand, the very same chapter introduces McJuggerNugget, who (much like Janet) has troubles with his father; though, while Janet's "robrodad" is obsessed with grounding her, Psycho Dad is fixated on destroying his son's stuff.

  • From ASBusinessMagnet's Tumblr: "Plot twist: In the bad timeline of Marrissaverse Stories 2015, McJuggerNugget and his dad are the actual distant descendants of Skepness Man and (someone yet to be determined), as opposed to Janet and her “robrodad”."
  • Janet Roberts. Jesse Ridgway. Same initials and letter pattern.
  • Pretty much confirmed with Post-SCrash Session (Rectified).

There will be more Gratuitous Foreign Languages abound.

Let's see...

  • Lithuanian, obviously, since the author is Lithuanian and since we already saw a couple of Lithuanian diacritics.
  • Japanese, since Homestuck the Anime.
  • Basically, everything from this list ASBusinessMagnet posted ages ago.
    • Including English?

Skepness Man is not a falmer troll.

Rather, he is a Homo sapiens just like you and me and not like anyone else in the Marrissaverse. This explains why he appears to be smart like us and the falmer trollz, but otherwise the falmer troll rules don't apply to him (e.g. he is able to interact with humans with speshul powers, like being resurrected by Marrissa and marrying Chell Junor, even though other falmer troll-powerful human interactions result in annihilation). As to how it appears as if he is Skepkitty and Business Man's child is yet to be explained.

  • For the last time, he wasn't resurrected by Marrissa, he was resurrected by Wheatly. The part about Chell Junor still applies, though.

The stories take place not in four, but in five dimensions.

That's how various ordinarily contradictory premises (e.g. the Portal High School/Hogwarts duality, alternate timelines and most importantly, the destruction of the Earth) can co-exist and be discussed as if they happened in a four-dimensional timeline.

  • The fifth dimension represents the passage of time in real life. That is why one can retcon Skepkitty from being female to being a trans man to being a cis man, progressively as xe updates xyr identity.
    • Wait a minute, xe?
