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WMG / Buckshot Roulette

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That second liability waiver isn't just...
...God's, it's also the dealer's. The dealer certainly looks demonic, but it does nothing particularly evil aside from gambling with lethal stakes (of which it doesn't appear to be exempt). It never tries to cheat the player, even when it's on death's door. And if the player dies, they go to Heaven (which is shown to be no less eerie and unsettling than the dealer and their game), when a demon would be all too eager to throw the player into eternal damnation. What if, instead of some kind of demon, it's the Almighty Himself dealing the shells?
  • Not to mention that God probably can't die of something as simple as a mere buckshot shell to the head, and why the player doesn't immediately dies from a single shot.
  • Or it could be that it was originally God's, but after the end of their game with the Dealer, the Dealer claimed Heaven from God as their prize for winning in one way or another.
  • If he is God, showing you his own release of liability paperwork, covered in the blood of former players who bet and lost against him, was actually genius - it's meant to intimidate you. The handcuffs make your duel even funner, a literal case of God's Hands Are Tied when you make him skip a turn.
  • In the Steam release of the game, attempting to put put God as your name gives you an achievement with the description simply being "Deicide.", which gives more credence to the possibility that the Dealer usurped God.

The Doctor is...
...God. He lost to the Dealer, and due to extraordinary bad luck, has been unable to beat him this entire time to win back what he wagered - the afterlife. He hopes the protagonist will finish what they started in shutting down the demonic entity for good, and if required, will revive the fallen player in the restrooms with the defibrillator, urging them not to give up.

The protagonist never wanted the money.
They wanted the shotgun, a legendary Godkiller weapon that regenerates from any damage it sustains, even when the wielder of the gun saws off the barrel, it will grow back.

The Steam release's new item animations tend to have the dealer smashing the items for a reason.
He genuinely hates those items because he thinks that they're overcomplicating his game. But nevertheless, he still uses them, because he always follows the rules.
