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Tropers / Tamaratan

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Instead of doing something useful with this page, This Troper will just put her Character's tropes.

Luciana Chronaim

A First-League Azureus student at the Academy of Heroes.

  • Break the Cutie: Once as a child when she learned that Evil Is Not a Toy. Another one came at the realization that she lost the two people most important in her life, her boyfriend ( Drake ) and her brother (Romeo ).
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Already starting to form, with her desperately scavenging for information on magic she can use, including learning Black Magic from a vampire— who is one of the only people she's ever openly despised.
  • Heroic BSoD: Came after learning that her boyfriend was dead. Right after this, she was sent barreling past the Despair Event Horizon by the realization that her Half Identical Twin was probably dead too.
    • Tragically, neither of them are truly dead, they simply left the Academy (by failing out or quitting). While the boyfriend "at least" had a faked death set up by his father, her twin just left.
  • Heroic Lineage: Distant descendant to one of her country's first Mages. ... Of course, so are all of the mages in her country.
  • Morality Chain: To her boyfriend. So much so, he was extremely irritable if she wasn't at his side all the time.
  • The Woobie

Brandy Caldwell

A Novix student/competitor in the Stellar Singers Competition.

  • Tropes here, too!
