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Tropers / Marche 90

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Mexican troper who decided to create an account after almost a year of lurking around. I got here by sheer coincidence: looking for stuff about Devil Survivor I reached the character's page and the rest was an snowball effect. Like many other tropers, this did not ended well the first days.

Some tropes that can be applied to me in real life:

  • Archive Binge - What usually happens when I'm really bored and head over here
  • Brilliant, but Lazy - I usually can get an approvatory note without studying once on most subjects, but is usually on B grades (or in Mexican's system, 8) and I hate to do homework
  • Cloud Cuckoolander - Normally I'm thinking something enterely different from what's happening in front of me
  • Guilty Pleasures - Reading Visual Novels certainly fits the bill here
  • TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Vocabulary - Be it on the IM or in real life, sometimes I end up saying the name of a trope, and usually this will not be understanded. AT ALL.
  • The Klutz - Let's just say that I don't fare well on handling stuff that can break easily
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist - It comes to bite me in the ass from time to time

Favorite Stuff in any media

Trace, on!
