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Trope Co / Supernatural Phone

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This very hour, millions of words are being spoken by telephone. Friend talks to friend and two lives are happier because of it. Greetings and best wishes are exchanged — holiday visits arranged — affairs of business transacted. A doctor comes quickly in answer to a hurried call.

Since before the invention of the public mail system, we at Trope Co.® have been working tirelessly to ensure that our customer base has the best telecommunication system in this or any reality.

Introducing the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™!

Call your friends and family. Listen to your neighbor's inner-most thoughts. Bring it for your sleepover seances and for only $1.00 a minute you can speak to the dead and any other unnamed horrors from beyond who are willing to pick up.

Call us a 1-800-555-TROPECO and we can send you our phone the day before you make the call because the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™ can make calls through time and space.

WARNING: Do not use the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™ for interdimensional travel. All attempts made to use the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone for inter-dimensional travel will result in all molecules involved to be defenestrated to the micro-cosmic super-dimension for processing and your Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™ Warranty will be null and void.

To call customer service for any questions or problems related to the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™, please perform Ritual 32-B listed in the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™ User-Manual.
