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Trivia / The West Wing S 02 E 02 In The Shadow Of Two Gunmen Part Two

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  • Deleted Scene: A scene that was shot but not included in the final broadcast, we see Leo explain to Danny, after he pulls Danny aside during the press conference, how he essentially was acting President while President Bartlet was in surgery and under anesthesia.
  • Production Posse: Allen Garfield played "Cut Man" on an episode of Sports Night.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Charlie being targeted by West Virginia White Pride was inspired by the hate mail Dule Hill, and the show in general, was receiving for his character being involved with Zoey.
  • What Could Have Been: Originally, after Charlie finds out he was the target of the shooters, he was going to run into the husband and son of the other woman (Stephanie Abbot) in the crowd who was shot, and he'd end up bonding with them; the father also would say to him, "If they're shooting at you, you know you're doing something right." That plot, and that line, was reworked in the following episode, "The Midterms".
    • Also, in a deleted scene, Leo tells Danny he was the one who was, in effect, in charge while President Bartlet was in surgery.
