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Trivia / 1080° Snowboarding

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  • What Could Have Been:
    • 1080 Avalanche was originally going to be developed by Left Field Productions, who was praised for taking Excitebike into the third dimension with Excitebike 64. When rumored to have a bit more of an arcade like presence for Avalanche there was hope from the fans that 1080 would evolve in the next generation. Left Field Productions left Nintendo as a second-party developer in late 2002 and Nintendo ended up handing the keys over to their internal western studios known as NST (Nintendo Software Technology). This pushed back the back all the way to December of 2003 and it released with much of the deliberate features of the original to some players disappointment. Despite some of it sticking to the simulation style of the original, it still featured some zany things such as having to race avalanches down a hill and snowboarding on irregular boards such as paint brushes, rockets, penguin-shaped boards, or giant NES Controllers thus leaving some to believe that Left Field Productions had a vision that was left undone.
    • Avalanche was originally called 1080: White Storm in reference to snow being white, as to Wave Race: Blue Storm referencing water being blue.
