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Trivia / Shaman Blues

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  • Channel Hop: The initial books were published by Fabryka Słów, the same as Dora Wilk Series. However, due to having a fall-out with its editor-in-chief before publishing the second Shaman book, Jadowska only fulfilled her ongoing contracts and moved to SQN publishing house, which printed rest of the series (and all her subsequent works).
  • Saved from Development Hell: After being written, the second book of the series barely got published. Jadowska had a fall-out with her then-recent publisher over being scammed off her profits and general mistreatment while having a finished and edited manuscript ready for print. It was nothing than contractual obligation that forced the publisher under the threat of a lawsuit to publish and promote the book - and it still took a year of back-and-forth legal treats on both sides to make that happen. After that, rest of the series was printed by different publisher.
