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Trivia / Mario Kart Arcade GP

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  • B-Team Sequel: The games are developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment as opposed to Nintendo.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Given that they are arcade games that have never received a home release, and the fact that Ms. Pac-Man (Who was in the first two games) is owned by AtGames, after they acquired the royalty interest from the original, now defunct owners, General Computer Corporation, Bandai Namco erased ALL traces of the character due to a US federal court dismissing their lawsuit against AtGames over the Pac-Man IP rights and the Ms. Pac-Man games, so good luck trying to get your hands on them without resorting to emulation, especially the original games, which have since been replaced by DX in most arcades.
  • No Export for You: Japanese arcade cabinets for GP DX have vastly more content than the international versions, sporting a regional online mode, the Donkey Kong Cup, and characters like Daisy, King Boo and Lakitu.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: This is likely the reason why the games aren’t acknowledged by Nintendo, as the games are not developed by them, but by Bandai Namco Entertainment, meaning most of the original elements made exclusively for the game are presumably owned by Bandai Namco and not by Nintendo.
