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Trivia / La oreja de Van Gogh

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  • Cowboy Be Bop At His Computer: One contestant at the Paraguayan singer-impersonating talent show Yo me llamo, performed the song "Jueves" as La oreja de Van Gogh's frontwoman Amaia Montero. Who actually had exited the band and been replaced by Leire Martínez long before "Jueves" was released.
  • Referenced by...: Vocaloid. Maika's voicebank itself is part of a collaboration between Voctro Labs and the Spanish Pop Band La oreja de Van Gogh. There, the Vocaloid is used by the band to listen to their own written lyrics before recording their songs. Supposedly the voicebank was based on the band's current lead singer, Leire Martinez, though this has yet to be confirmed.
