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Timeline / Poptropica

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Poptropica exists in an alternate dimension from the one regular Earth is from. Under the Poptropica ocean is a cave made of magical time crystals called the Nexus, and the cause of Poptropica’s existence. What it's origin is remains unknown.

Poptropica Graphic Novel

The trio of kids destroy the Aegis, a magical stone machine made out of many time crystals. The islands from Poptropica disappeared back to where they came from, and the islands from alternate timelines slowly came back.

Mythology Island

The Player defeats Zeus. Zeus is weakened, and goes into hiding as Professor Juniper.

Super Villain Island

Zeus disguises himself as Dr. Jupiter and tricks the Player into going into the dreams of Dr. Hare, Binary Bard, Black Widow, and Captain Crawfish to remove the totems that make them evil. Zeus uses them to try and take over Poptropica, but is defeated again by the Player. The four villains escape.

Monkey Wrench Island

Home Island

Fairy Tale Island
