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Tear Jerker / Zero Hour: Crisis in Time!

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  • The apparent death of Wally West sends Jay Garrick into an existential crisis as he wonders why young heroes are laying down their lives while older heroes past their prime in the JSA continue on.
  • Green Arrow apparently killing his best friend, Hal Jordan. (He got better.)
  • The deaths of the various members of the JSA as Extant ages them to their proper ages, killing several of them in the process.
  • One of the time anomalies sends Batman to the night his parents were murdered, except in this reality he was shot and killed instead of them. After spending all night fruitlessly searching for the killer, he decides to return to Wayne Manor, and hopes that meeting each other can help with their respective losses... only to learn the anomaly has gone and the Waynes have vanished as if they'd never existed. Damn.
  • Similar to the above example, one of the time anomalies sends Superman to Krypton, where he gets to meet his birth parents...only to be forced to watch the planet explode before he can do anything to try and save them.
  • In the Legion of Super-Heroes tie-ins, watching all the characters and their entire universe just fade out of existence one by one in a triumph of 1990's comic book nihilism is just ghastly.note 
