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Tear Jerker / Wednesday

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"You want to be alone, Wednesday? Be alone."

  • Wednesday's goodbyes to her family after arriving at Nevermore, with two stand-out moments. Firstly, when she tells Pugsley that she will miss him in her own way, and Pugsley flat out admits that he will miss his big sister. Secondly, her cold treatment of Morticia, which clearly upsets her greatly.
  • Wednesday being told off by Xavier for not regarding his feelings—or anyone else's—or not trusting him when he's done really nothing but try to support and be on her side. Wednesday in her eyes is shown to be affected by his words.
  • Tyler acting hurt that Wednesday never asked him to the dance and Eugene being hurt when Wednesday ditched their stakeout to go to the dance with Tyler after Thing sets them up may be cliched, but can still feel moving.
  • Thing's apparent death and both Wednesday and Fester's distraught and saddened reactions to it. Wednesday is actually crying (which she claimed earlier she never does) and reacts like a scared child who's losing their pet.
  • Enid reaches her wit's end with Wednesday after nearly getting killed when Wednesday sucks her into a scheme to track the Hyde. Enid breaks down about how she's tried so desperately to bond and be close with Wednesday and is always met with some kind of opposition and disregard for her feelings and safety. After their argument and Enid storms out, Wednesday is left alone in the dorm, sitting silently on the floor speechless. The fact that she keeps her stone face, but looks to be on the verge of tears, doesn't help.
    Wednesday: Goody warned I was destined to be alone. Maybe it’s inevitable. But for the first time in my life, it didn’t feel good.
  • When Enid keeps finding an excuse to visit Wednesday after their falling out, Wednesday keeps giving her the cold shoulder. It's clear that Enid just wants an excuse to come back, and it's sad to see her attempts be shut down by Wednesday just being herself. Meanwhile, Wednesday clearly misses Enid just as much as Enid misses her, but can't find the right words to say this. Thankfully, this later turns heartwarming when the two do make up.
  • As they’re first warming up to each other, Enid asks if Wednesday ever cries. She says she did, once. We see a flashback where, when she was a child, she was out in town walking her pet scorpion, Nero. A group of teenage boys ambushed her and held her down, then forced her to watch as they ran Nero over with their bikes repeatedly until the scorpion was dead. We then see Wednesday tucking a flower into the tail of Nero’s scorpion-shaped gravestone, and, in her own words, “sobbing her little black heart out.”
  • Wednesday learning that Tyler is the Hyde—especially when he calmly and quietly taunts her with it after her attempt to torture it out of him fails. It's clear that she definitely cared about him despite the fact that he was probably only using her the whole time.
  • Enid being stood up by Ajax. Sure he didn't mean to, but she is clearly saddened by it and he clearly regrets doing it. The fact that this leads to her taking Lucas, who then ruins the dance, only makes it more heartbreaking.
    • The fact that Ajax was also excited and getting ready, but only missed it because he accidentally stoned himself. While the dark humor is definitely there, the situation is also sad on his part as he knew how badly he'd let Enid down, but he thought he'd look like a total fool to her too because of why.
  • Enid's anguished "Where's Wednesday?" when it looked like Wednesday didn't make it. Sure, it turns heartwarming as we know that Wednesday survived, but Enid doesn't know that at first and her heartbreak at the possibility of Wednesday not making it is palpable.
  • Weems being killed by Laurel. Wednesday is clearly saddened by it as well. While she did some morally questionable things, Weems was one of the few adults to legitimately try to help Wednesday and clearly simply wanted what was best for her students, so to see her die like that is surprisingly heartbreaking.
  • After Eugene was mauled by the Hyde, when Wednesday discovers this, for the first time in the series we see her looking sad and shocked, in the hospital she even poured her heart out to the comatose Eugene about how guilt-ridden she felt. This is the first glimpse of her Not So Stoic after all side.
