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Tear Jerker / The Owl and The Frog

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Here's a list of all the most heart-wrenching moments of The Owl and The Frog.

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    Arc 1 
Birthday Box
  • Luz attempts to apologize to Anne for what happened at the dance but she stops her. Then Anne tells Luz that she and Sasha talked about it and Anne decides to end their friendship, turning around and missing Luz crying. And that was before the four girls got zapped to Amphibia.

    Arc 2 
Mist Reunion
  • Luz and Anne experiencing illusions of each other, chewing them out for what the Forceful Kiss (Luz), and for ending their friendship before giving Luz a chance to apologize (Anne). It definitely hurts for Anne as she now fully regrets how she and Luz parted ways.
  • Anne mentioned being bullied for being Thai.

    Arc 3 
The Battle of Tadpole Pond!
  • This chapter is this fic's version of "Agony of a Witch". There's even a warning that the chapter "has some intense scenes".
  • The chapter begins with a flashback of Lilly's mother being fed to a Venus Flytrap. With the poor girl having to witness it.
  • Lilly then cries over her mother's death, tearfully saying she wants her mother.
  • Just like with "Agony of a Witch", the ending has Luz break down in tears over Uodeela's fate. She's soon joined by the rest of the apprentices, now hit by the massive toll the battle had on them.


  • Luz and Anne tearfully apologize to each other for their fallout.

Bonding Through Grief
  • This one-shot shows how the parents are dealing with the fact that their daughters disappeared.
    • Sasha's parents end up arguing over her father not being home which eventually leads to them divorcing.
    • Marcy's parents actually move due to the guilt.

The Lyft Ride

  • Luz and the Lyft rider discussing about Me Vale, the former becomes depressed once she brings up her dad.


  • It is revealed that Gustav's mom left him and Percy for another Toad during the Sand Wars.


  • Luz, Anne, Sasha and Lily’s reactions to their shared dream of Marcy and Amity being possessed by the Core:
    • Luz admits to Amara that Marcy was like a sister to her and she still sees Marcy being stabbed at times.
    • Anne remembers how she and Marcy met, and laments how Marcy kept her troubles to herself and whether she really was a good friend or not.
    • Sasha dreads the possibility that Marcy may have suffered a similar fate to her.
    • Lily has perhaps the most heart-wrenching reaction of all: hyperventilating, screaming, throwing her sword from her, and sobbing uncontrollably into Raine’s chest over her failure to keep her promise to Amity.
  • In the follow-up chapter:
    • Maddie admits to Sasha and Lily that she too had the dream, but said nothing out of fear that it may be true.
    • Anne laments how she feels she failed to protect Marcy like she always had, and ultimately breaks down out of fear and worry that her dream might have happened. Given the readers know it has, she’d not going to take the confirmation well.

    Arc 4 

The First Temple

  • After the first trial, Luz informs Marcy that she could unintentionally hurt someone when she doesn't think about their feelings before doing something, a statement that makes her face fall for a brief moment.

Barrel's Warhammer

  • Gustav, Percy, and Braddock getting banished by the Toad Lords, and Sasha didn't stick up for them, which she isn't proud of.

The Fourth Temple

True Colors (Part Two)

  • Luz is still unconscious from the injuries she sustained during her battle with Beatrix, and despite the healing potion, her left arm is still broken. All of her friends are worried, especially Anne.
  • Anne is so pissed off by everything Sasha did she not only refuses to speak to her ever again, she actually suggests leaving her in Amphibia and telling her parents she died rather than telling them the truth. Hell, she asks Olivia if Sasha can be executed so the girls wouldn't have to lie.
  • Even after Anne calms down on wanting to execute Sasha and decides to bring her back to Earth, she still has Sasha's hands tied up and puts a gag on her. She also makes it clear she wants nothing to do with Sasha ever again when they go back to Earth.
  • While hanging out in the hotel with Anne and Luz, Marcy is shown to be feeling guilty for what happened with Luz (blaming herself in the moment due to her plan with the music box) and almost ends up telling them about intentionally transporting them to Amphibia before getting cold feet about it.
  • Andrias revealing Marcy intentionally transported the girls to Amphibia to avoid moving is just as sad as it was in canon especially with the added moment of Luz calling Marcy out.
    • Luz telling Marcy about her father's death years ago also qualifies, as if Marcy wasn't already feeling guilty enough.
    • What also makes this scene sad is that Luz and Marcy form a geniue bond before coming to Amphibia. They both have a hard time finding friends with common interests until they find each other. The fact that her new best friend deliberately sent her to another world with no hope with reconnecting with her mother definitely punches Luz in the gut.
  • Anne's devastated reaction over Andrias throwing Luz and Sprig out the window.
  • Shortly after saving her and Sprig, Marcy gives a tearful apology to Luz over her actions.
  • Much like canon, Marcy being stabbed to near death by Andrias with the addition of "Schala's Theme" from Chrono Trigger.

    Arc 5 
Coming Home

Hop 'Til You Drop

  • Luz's self loathing is starting to show; because she doesn't have her powers anymore, she's feeling like a burden to Anne.

Fixing Frobo

  • Much like canon, Polly is frustrated that her friends don't want to bring him back to life as quickly as possible. What adds to the feud here is that while they have a solution for fixing him, they still have to wait for several weeks to make preparation. When Amara tries to help her understand, she tearfully accuses her of saying that because she's a frog and not as intelligent as her before leaving the room, hurt by the fact that Luz and Amara don't understand her despiration of reviving her friend.
  • Ally's parents didn't accept her sexuality and stopped talking to her after she came out.

A Lie That is True

  • During Detective Ventura's interrogation, Luz recaps "Birthday Box" to "True Colors" in the form of half truths. When she remembers Marcy getting stabbed, she breaks down in tears.
  • Remember when Sasha wanted to hang out with her father more since he's always on business trips? Well, it turns out he doesn't even care about Sasha and only thinks that she's being ungrateful to him. After the divorce, he found another family and completely puts her behind, to Anne's disgust.
  • Anne breaks down in tears after she remembers her declaration of hatred to Sasha in "True Colors". She really hates to think that she once wanted her childhood friend dead.


  • In addition being called out by her mom, here Anne becomes afraid that her mom won't accept her sexuality because of this, and runs away from her crying.
  • Luz also runs away from Camila after she calls her out: she also had a vision that Camila was being killed by the Cloakbot and blames Luz for her death.

Two Worlds, Two Families

  • The Nocedas, Anne and the Plantar kids visit Luz's father Manny's grave.
  • The Nocedas moved to Gravesfield in hope of better treatment for Manny in the show. Here, they ended up not moving at the last second as Manny didn't want to uproot his family's lives just for him and make things hard on them. He had already accepted he was going to die and he changed his mind about moving, choosing to spend his last moments with his family.
  • Amity was kidnapped on her way home and is being experimented on for notorious purposes with little hope of returning.
  • Much like on the show, Marcy believes her friends have every reason to hate her for her horrible mistake in sending them to Amphibia. She begins catastrophizing that she would be alone forever, leading her to deep depression and guilt. She becomes even worse when Amity blames her for the former's kidnapping by saving Andrias from being overthrown, causing her to break down in tears as she realizes the full weight of what she's done.
    Marcy: (loudly and in tears) You're right it is my fault! I'm the one who found the music box and forced Sasha, Anne and Luz to come with me to Amphibia. I helped the King recharge it, it's my fault Luz got hurt and… now your life has been ruined too because of me.
    (Marcy stopped talking as the full weight of what she had done hit her, She brought her hands up to her face and covered it while crying.)

Turning Point!

  • Sasha is haunted by illustrations of Anne and Luz created by Belos, who further haunts Sasha by telling her that her loved ones have rejected her and plans on using her feelings to force her to join his evil ranks.
  • Even after Sasha rejects Belos, he swears to make her life as unpleasant as possible.

Curing the Curse

  • Belos possessing Sasha, while mostly Nightmare Fuel, is also heart-wrenching too. He is not only hurting Sasha by taking over her body, but also by forcing her to fight her own friends.
    • Belos plans on murdering Maddie once he takes over Sasha's body, vowing to kill the magic users in Amphibia as well, doubling on his heinous genocide plans.
    • Belos forces Grime to fight Sasha, knowing full well that he's hesitated to fight her while she's trying to kill him, relishing every moment of it.
    • Sasha ends Belos' possession by stabbing herself in the chest, before Belos taunts her this as a Pyrrhic Victory.
    • Sasha hopes that Luz, Anne and Marcy will defeat Andrias, thinking that they still haven't forgiven her, before her eyes closed.
    • Even when Sasha is revived by the elixir, she's still left with a heinous scar on the right side of her face after Belos' possession, similar to Hunter's after being possessed by Belos in the canon show.

Olivia, Yunan, and Lilly

  • The entire episode is just as sad as the original episode.
    • A toad prisoner is subjected to experiments in exchange of freedom. He dies before finishing the last test.
    • Marcy thinks of Luz as a sister. This makes her projection of Luz rejecting her more heartbreaking.
    • Lilly feels guilty for not keeping her promise to Amity to get her out of Andrias' castle.
    • Amity ends up possessed as one of the Core's hosts along with Marcy. Considering Amity being Luz's canon girlfriend, this makes it hard to see Luz potentially fights her in the future.

The New Resistance

  • Sasha's face fell when Lilly harshly told that Anne's declaration to her, basically confirming her theory that Anne wants nothing to do with her to be true.

Froggy Little Christmas

  • Ally becomes saddened when Anne asks about her family, who has broken off with her due to dating Jess.

    Arc 6 

The Cores and the Kings

  • As with ‘Olivia, Yunan and Lily’, the chapter manages to be as sad as the original episode.
    • Not only did Andrias lose his two friends, he lost his fiancée when she was banished from Newtopia for failing to retrieve the box. He tries to console himself that Sheresade didn’t betray him like Leif and Barrel did, but ‘The Witch of the Wild’ hints otherwise.
    • Andrias was actively dismembered by his own father as punishment for trusting his friends
    • Darcy and Enmity promise to return Marcy’s body after they’re conquered Earth and have no more use for her. What they don’t say is that they intend Marcy’s mind to have been assimilated by then, leaving her body an empty shell - punishment for forming a bond with Marcy in the first place and trying to suggest the Core take another host.

    What If? 
What if....Anne only wanted to be Friends?
  • Sasha still ended up drifting apart from Anne after Amphibia with it even being mentioned that her and Luz are still a bit awkward around one another due to Luz not fully forgiving Sasha for her actions, which is implied to be a factor in why Sasha drifted from Anne and Luz in the first place. It is said Anne had tried to convince Luz to invite Sasha to summer camp with them to rekindle their friendship, but due to not wanting to have to also invite Marcy, Luz ended up refusing and Sasha & Marcy don't end up joining the two in their summer camp adventure leading into the Boiling Isles.
  • Marcy still ended up moving with Anne being devastated a bit more than canon due to harboring romantic feelings for her. The true kicker comes in Anne choosing not to act upon them by the end of Amphibia and keeping her feelings to herself (not even telling Luz about it) due to Marcy moving shortly after leaving Amphibia. Even when Luz offers to invite Marcy to summer camp with them (due to Anne wanting to invite Sasha), Anne refuses due to not wanting to face the heartbreak of losing Marcy after potentially reconnecting with her in summer camp.

What if....Anne and Luz switched places?

  • Luz has to watch Hop Pop being fed to a Venus Flytrap, orphaning Sprig and Polly as Sasha mocks her. This angers her so badly, she destroys Toad Tower and takes Grime's life as retribution, hurting Sasha just as badly.
  • Belos gains more control on Sasha, leading her eyes began to glow blue and her face twisting into a cruel smile, gradually taking over her body. Considering what happened to Hunter in the show, things do not look good for Sasha...
