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Tear Jerker / Sparks Among The Stars

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  • Cinder torturing Jaune, horribly injuring him, while Pyrrha is Forced to Watch, trapped in the tube that was being used to try and transfer the Fall Maiden powers to her, desperately pounding on the glass in an attempt to get out and help.
  • Most, if not all, of the spark ignitions, even considering Ozpin's machinations helping them ignite, are rather traumatizing, as befitting of the setting and the circumstances of the Fall, not to mention how most of them have no idea what planeswalkers are, let alone about the nature of the multiverse, and thus are stranded in strange worlds with no idea that there friends are out there, or even alive. Some are particularly horrible:
    • Pyrrha is trapped in the tube that was to be used to transfer Amber's Maiden powers to her, Forced to Watch as Jaune is effectively tortured by Cinder.
    • Yang, as in canon, loses her arm right after Blake ignites.
  • Just the fact that the God of Light is so jealous and paranoid of planeswalkers that he's put up a barrier preventing them from igniting, or even entering or leaving the plane, meaning that they can't go back home anytime soon.
  • Salem has been hunting down and killing or recruiting potential planeswalkers for centuries despite the barrier over Remnant, partially out of paranoia and partially because Evil Is Petty, as when she kills the ones who refuse her she does so in a way
  • Taiyang has to leave Yang behind because the fresh loss of her arm means that she can't fight like she used to, and the job he managed to find is rather dangerous.
  • When alive, both of the ghost armies just wanted the war to end, but the commanders of each army kept the rumors of a peace treaty from their men to prevent them from having false hope. Unfortunately, battle broke out again and the messenger ended up crash-landing in a river, with the armies cursed to act out the circumstances leading up to their deaths over and over again until Jaune broke the curse by retrieving the notice that the war was over.
  • Yang hitting her Rage Breaking Point thanks to the manipulations of another and reflexively planeswalking away.
  • Jaune reveals his past to his companions, revealing that he views himself as a fake and had planned to leave them behind so he wouldn't drag them down with him. Luckily, they set him straight.
  • The crew Tai joined slowly gets decimated once the Skyclave's defenses awaken.
  • In this timeline, after Maralen defeated Oona she eventually revived and reclaimed her throne, apparently finishing off her and her companions in the process.
  • Rarza slowly dies after the teleportation, begging Tai to get what's left of her crew home safe.
