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Tear Jerker / Silent Hill: The Short Message

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True to Silent Hill fashion, this game will break your heart alongside making it skip a few beats.

  • The whole premise is this, a young girl has lost her friend due to bullying and mental health issues. Anyone that has gone through anything similar will empathize with her pain.
  • Anita, the game's protagonist, is heavily depressed. Previous Silent Hill protagonists had some desire to live and make it through this hell. Here? Anita wants to die, at one point begging Maya to let her die after her two suicide attempts result in her waking back up in the Villa. While not as subtle, she is on par with James as Silent Hill's most broken protagonist.
    • The game shows a lot of imagery and sequences that can hit far too close to home for many people: We see hints of how Maya was bullied mercilessly in school as well being harassed on social media. Anita cuts herself in one scene with multiple bleeding wounds already on her swollen arm, we see and hear her past involving her very abusive mother that not only locked Anita in a closet and blamed her for ruining her life... but she also murdered her infant son, Anita's little brother. Make no mistake, the game can be very triggering to certain people.
    • Watching Anita jump off the Villa's rooftop not once, but twice, and almost doing it a third time can be too much for some players.
  • The game also mentions the COVID pandemic into it's backstory and it most likely played a hand in causing Maya's parents to fight, file bankruptcy, and ruin her chances of going to a college she was just accepted into. For many people, this can feel a little too real.
  • The game also touches on other mental health issues present in younger generations. Anxiety, low self-esteem, and cyberbullying are mentioned in articles and all play a part in Anita and Maya's backgrounds. The scene where Anita reads comments on her social media page where people ask for sexy pictures can hit many people close to home.
