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Tear Jerker / Pinkie Pie's Exciting Adventure

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Sometimes, a resolve only comes through heartbreak.
It's kind of a mix of surprise and a given that such moments would appear in this series, just seeing how things start to pick up in Part 3, and then it kicks into gear in Part 5.

Part 5

  • The entire moment where Rarity turns against Pinkie from the Unicorn's mind control. You can already see that Pinkie is just heartbroken and horrified by this. Then, the Unicorn sends away Pinkie's party to a different location as she just watches in horror. Pinkie begins to break down from how she's now forced to fight Rarity, who won't even come to her senses because of the's just heart wrenching hearing her; what hammers this in is how she even says she doesn't want to fight Rarity; you can just outright HEAR how much she doesn't want to do this. Just seeing how she has to fight one of her greatest friends who will show no mercy all thanks to the Unicorn's mind control. Also not helped that her voice is higher pitched as a result of being turned small, making her crying sound even more heart wrenching than it already is.
    • If that's not enough, this exchange is also very heartbreaking:
    The Unicorn:Now then, are you ready to face your imminent death, Pinkie? At the hooves of your own friend no less!?
    Pinkie Pie:*crying* No! Please don't make me do this, Rarity! I know you're still in there, but you gotta fight it!
    Nightmare Rarity: And why should I? This darkness is simply intoxicating. It would do you some good to toughen up, child!
    Pinkie Pie:I don't wanna fight you...please, you gotta break the Unicorn's control! You can't let it use you like this!
  • The scene at the end where we get to see how Twilight is holding up...and it is not pretty. She's tied down to a chair, her magic nullified, and there's a torture device stuck inside her. While it doubles as Nightmare Fuel, the fact that she just hopes that whoever comes through the door is one of her friends is just really depressing, and just the anguish in her voice whenever the torture device is briefly activated, she's even whimpering in pain after the shock turns off, and you can really hear the fear in her voice considering her situation.
