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Tear Jerker / Cross Region

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Although Cross Region Adventure has a fairly lighthearted and fluffy story, some moments along the way will make it worth your while to have a few tissues on standby.

  • Even though it ultimately came off as more of an Ass Pull followed by a Deus ex Machina, the deaths of Piper and Serena around pages 280-300 garnered a few tears both in-universe and out.
    • Before that, there was also the destruction of Piper and Serena's home, the Flower Paradise, at the hands of Cipher. Up until that point in the story, the two Shaymin had spent the duration of their time desperately trying to get back to their tree burrow after being poached. They're rewarded for their efforts by coming home to find that their beloved sanctuary has been transformed into a burnt wasteland where no life - flora or fauna - will ever thrive again.
    "Our home... gone," she whimpered in a small voice, recalling what Piper had told her back in Sunyshore. She had been right; the Flower Paradise was no more. And their burrow full of memories... perished. She lay down and wept. She wept for the first time since the stormy day she and Piper happily raced home. And began their journey."
  • Darius' transformation from a disturbed, terrified young Beldum into a deranged Metang is equal parts this and Nightmare Fuel. Especially when he goes on a violent rampage soon afterwards that ends in the deaths of many of his former friends, injuries sustained by the rest, and their airship crashing to the ground.
    • On that note, the deaths of Angela, Cielia, Tsumi, and Morgana are sad in and of themselves. The first three - some of the sweetest members of the group - were victims of the rampage. Morgana is trapped under a fallen table during most of the attack, and the first thing she sees once she's finally free is the corpse of her dear friend Cielia. Combined with Midnite's absence (leading her to mistakenly think he had also been killed in the attack), the Vulpix's grief consumes her, and she crushes herself under a crate just as Midnite and Umbreon are returning from business of their own. Midnite is incredibly hurt by her loss, and Amber repeatedly blames herself for being unable to keep Darius under control. The fallen comrades are all buried by the riverside while the ship is downed.
