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Tear Jerker / Big World! Big Adventures!

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  • "Sometimes You Make A Friend." And the song doesn't need any lyrics to sound depressing.
    • To twist the knife further, when Thomas finally catches up to Nia in the Himalayas to apologize, when he tries to explain that it was all Ace's idea, the anger and hurt on Nia's face as she angrily asks if that makes it alright to trick her like that would make any viewer cringe at how badly Thomas upset Nia.
    Nia: (After Thomas explains it was all Ace's idea) And that makes it alright, does it?!
    • It was only once Thomas shouted that he was sorry, hearing his emotional heartfelt apology, did Nia soften and realize Thomas really meant it and wanted to be forgiven for what he did.
  • Once Thomas and Nia finally reach the Vicarstown Bridge leading back to Sodor from the UK, Thomas is saddened to know that once he's back on Sodor, Nia will probably head for Brendam Docks to catch the first ship back to Dakar so she can return to Kenya, so they probably won't see each other again after having traveled the world together. Then Nia reveals that she can't go back home to Kenya as she no longer had a shed there to go back to, leaving her as a homeless engine.
    • The moment doubles as heartwarming after that as Thomas offers Nia the chance to come with him back onto Sodor and work on the North Western, knowing that Sir Topham Hatt would agree to give Nia a new home on the island, where she would be among a lot of new friends. Nia accepts, and as they arrive back at Knapford singing a triumphant reprise of "We're Friends", they find all of Thomas' friends waiting to welcome Thomas home, having missed him dearly, complete with the signal gantry being decked out in balloons and a large "Welcome Home" banner.
