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Tear Jerker / Anna and the Apocalypse

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  • In the cut song "Some Things Will Never Change", we witness bittersweet flashbacks of Anna's life prior to her mother's death, along with her reaction to her death, and the friction it caused between her and Tony.
  • John being the first among the group to get taken by the zombies.
  • Chris and Lisa both get bitten and spend their last moments together.
  • Nick revealing he had to kill his father at his request after he got bitten, and his last words to him were "Don't disappoint me... for once."
  • Tony revealing he was bitten, leading Anna to break down and spend their last moment together. It doesn't help the fact that earlier in the movie, she declared that she can't wait to get away from him, which she ended up getting it in a way she didn't expect.
  • Of the songs, "Human Voice" (about how the cast wants to contact their loved ones to make sure they're alive and unharmed) and "I Will Believe" (sung when Anna and Nick are making what they believe will be their last stand, with shots of other characters that have turned into zombies) are the saddest.
  • Only present in the Festival Cut: when the group reenters the school, in the woodshop, Nick finds a piece of wood he and his friends had carved their names into.
