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Shout Out / Drowned God

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  • As Myst was an inspiration for the game, the two share a similar plot structure: Two individuals themed around the colors red (Achenar and Malchut) and blue (Sirrus and Kether) task the player with collecting certain items (pages and relics) which the player must bring with them back to the hub area, and all the while the two individuals trash-talk each other, making their case as to why you should choose their side, but it soon becomes clear that both are Obviously Evil and want to use you for their own ends. In both games, the players' travels will take them to four separate, self-contained worlds.

  • Harry Horse stated in his interview with Gamespot that the long list of people and works that influenced the game included Erich von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods (with all the unfortunate implications that come with those influences), The Illuminatus! Trilogy, the Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky, Jacques Vallee, and many others.

  • The influence from The Illuminatus! Trilogy can be felt in Kether's Villainous Breakdown which ends with him shouting "All hail Discordia!" as he declares that the only truth in the world is chaos, a reference to Discordianism.

  • Near the end of the game, as Malchut begs you not to choose Kether's side, she claims that in the world his Lodge would create, everyone's needs would be taken care of, but they would be dead in everything but the flesh, and she calls it a "brave new world", referencing the book's premise of a society where the government pacifies the people by encouraging hedonistic lifestyles above all else.

  • Baphomet's character design is highly reminiscent of the Brazen Heads, which were devices said to have been used by various late-Medieval/Renaissance figures, in particular alchemists, such as Roger Bacon. These brass heads were supposedly able to predict the future or answer any question that was asked of it. Baphomet not only has a brass shell over his organic skull, but he's tied to alchemy as the one who can unite the Philosopher's Stone, and he is able to see into the future of Chokmah.

  • The relics being powered by Element-115 and their ties to the Greys come from the stories of a man named Robert Scott Lazar, who claimed in the late 80's that he worked around the element in Area 51 while reverse-engineering crashed alien spaceships.
