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Recap / Upload S 2 E 5 Mind Frisk

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Nathan and Nora race to stop a potentially dangerous technological advance. Luke boycotts sleep when he finds Horizen is profiting from his dreams. Ingrid is tempted by a new tech offering: digital babies.


  • Bodily Fluid Blacklight Reveal: When Nora scans her boss's room for DNA with a blacklight, she finds some on the head support of his chair.
  • Borrowed Biometric Bypass: Nora uses a DNA sample of her boss's to access his computer.
  • Enhance Button: Nathan is able to enhance his memory data which allows him to hear what David Choak and an associate of his talked behind a wall.
  • Exiled to the Couch: Nora makes Matteo sleep in the hall after they have a disagreement over whether to destroy Lakeview.
  • Rapid Aging: Happens to Ingrid's child.
  • Thought-Aversion Failure: When Nathan tries not to think of Nora and she reads his thoughts which eventually reveal him thinking of her.
