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Recap / The Raccoons S 5 E 6 "Endless Summer!"

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Airdate: 1990

Summer vacation has just begun for Bentley, but his plans to have fun with Bert and Cedric are put on hold when he accepts a job at Cyril's olive factory.

Endless Summer! contains examples of:

  • An Aesop:
    • Enjoy your summer vacation while it lasts.
    • Don't let a simple mistake haunt you for the rest of your life, especially if it wasn't even your fault.
  • Artistic License – Child Labor Laws: Cyril doesn't get in any legal trouble for letting Bentley work at his olive factory and though he tells Bentley he shouldn't have his job back after he was fired, it's because he believes he should be having fun on his summer vacation.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Not even Cyril approves of his own employees, the Pigs, trying to get Bentley fired from his job and he genuinely feels sorry for Bentley when he finds out how depressed it made him.
  • Fantasy Sequence: Bentley takes a break at work to daydream about all the fun he could be having with Bert and Cedric on his summer vacation. However, he gets too lost in thought to notice that the Pigs have sabotaged his work station.
  • Innocently Insensitive: When Bentley feels depressed about getting fired from his first job, Bert tells him he can get fired from other jobs, to which Bentley says that's not helping him feel better.
  • Mistakes Are Not the End of the World: Bentley grows depressed over being fired from his job and begins to worry about his future. Bert and Cedric try to get him to see that it's not that big a problem and Cyril tries to help him feel better by telling him that it wasn't even his fault in the first place.
  • Must Make Amends: When Cyril learns that the Pigs sabotaged Bentley's work station in order to get him fired, Cyril goes off to find Bentley and reassure him that it wasn't his fault he got fired.
