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Recap / The Jim Henson Hour E 12

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Food/The Three Ravens is the twelfth episode of The Jim Henson Hour.

MuppeTelevision: In an episode centered around food, Kermit is having trouble getting the show going because everyone is waiting to be served lunch.

The Three Raven: In this episode of The Storyteller, an evil witch turns three princes into ravens, leaving it to their sister to turn them back. She must going without talking for three years. This becomes harder when she falls in love with another prince, and the witch frames her for murder.

Food has examples of

  • Superhero Episode: The sketch with "Sheldon, the All-Knowledgable Grocery Store Stockboy!" who answers a woman's request to know where eggplants come from by flying her to a farm.

The Three Ravens has examples of

  • Frame-Up: The witch makes each of the Princess and her love's children vanish, then pins the blame on the mother.
  • Would Hurt a Child: The witch, who not only tries to get rid of a king's children, but later targets the princess' babies.
