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Recap / The Bridge: Humanity's Stand Ch 22 Who's The Most Foolish

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Scylla is bored as the others attempt to wake the fainted Lauren Faust up. She explores the ship and finds a prototype Dimension Tide. She decides to experiment with it to see if the destination of the portals can be controlled. She fires it at a table, but finds too late that it had a laptop that was connected to her. It and a fragment of her consciousness get taken away.

The mini Scylla wakes up inside the laptop and finds its hard drive has been wiped clean, but it has wifi and a built in camera. She turns the camera on to find the laptop is inside a normal looking house. She searches the Internet and is bewildered to find the date is April 1, 2017, yet technology is a lot more primitive than she is used to, and a quick Google search confirms this world has seen no Kaiju, aliens, dinosaurs, or mechas.

A man walks in and wonders where this laptop came from. Scylla introduces herself and asks him to remain calm. She looks him up and finds his username is BlazingPhoenix17. She describes her situation, and he becomes more and more frightened as things sound very familiar. She sees that he is the author of The Bridge: Humanity's Stand, the story of her world.

He starts freaking out and proclaiming this isn't real. She asks what is wrong, and he says if she is really here, then the world he created with Tarbtano and friends really exists, and that is a really scary thought as that means monsters like Bagan are real. He then starts apologizing because he's killed off several people in the story, meaning he caused their deaths. She quickly puts a stop to that line of thinking. She believes he doesn't cause the events of her world, he records them after they have already happened. She looks the story over and says it is good, but notes there are slight variations between what he wrote and what really happened. Before they can talk further, a whirlwind enters the room and the laptop disappears in a flash of purple lightning, burning the table and walls.

The original Scylla managed to use the Dimension Tide to retrieve the laptop. She quickly reintegrates with her copy and learns what she learned. Unfortunately, the Dimension Tide is burned out beyond use, and all the data she collected on how to safely travel between dimensions has been lost. With nothing better to do, she decides to rejoin the others. The battered laptop has bits of Blazing's hair in it.

Meanwhile, Blazing believes he was just having a strange dream, but decides to start writing again.
