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Recap / The Bridge: Humanity's Stand Ch 21 How Do You Celebrate Christmas?

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Christmas 2012, several months before Dimension Tide

The leaders of the Global Defense Force are suspicious that there haven't been any attacks from the Mutations in a while. Miki says maybe they should just be thankful for this period of peace and that they are all alive for another year. They laugh and talk the night away. Several Jaeger pilots and other personnel have fun with drinking games and the like.

In a home in the Rocky Mountains, Theodore Wylder and his girlfriend Tytanna share wine and snuggle. They are covered in a special thermal blanket that adjusts its temperature to the optimal level of its wearer, but Theodore gets burned because she's really a kaiju and can handle really high temperatures. After apologizing, she smells something burning and goes to the kitchen where her mother Joanne tried to bake cookies and burned them. Joanne and Tori attempt to put it out, until Sal sprays it with a fire extinguisher. Tori says it's a good thing she already baked some cookies, then bans Joanne from trying to cook ever again. Joanne moans that she can't do anything right, but Tytanna hugs her and says even so, she's still her amazing mother.

Xenilla surveys his minions and considers almost all of them stupid. He watches as two of the Mutations try to sneak attack his "son", the crystal monster Krystalak, but he easily fends them off. Xenilla is frustrated that he can't just kill these idiots right now, but he still needs them for his plans to make Godzilla Junior stronger and to fight off the invading aliens. He thinks about Destroyah and thinks that she may be smart and trustworthy enough to spare. The Mutations are starting to chafe because he ordered them not to attack anyone for the month, but he feels the Defenders deserve a break. He goes to sleep, wondering how his brother is doing.

Godzilla Junior is both bored that he hasn't had a fight in over a month and paranoid that the Mutations are up to something. Zilla comes up and asks if he ever celebrated Christmas with Azusa, saying his father Nick Tatopoulos just wished him a Merry Christmas. Godzilla doesn't know what Christmas is. Appalled, Zilla says they have to fix that. The best way he can explain it is that it's a celebration people spend with their families, to appreciate another year together, happy, and safe. Zilla says he considers all the Defenders part of his family and would like to celebrate with them. That comment hits Godzilla hard. For the longest time, the only ones he considered family were his father Godzilla Senior and his mother Azusa. His sister Biollante keeps to herself and refuses to help them, and his brother Xenilla is his enemy. He tells Zilla it sounds like a good idea, and they should celebrate with their extended family.

Mothra Lea sends all the Defenders a telepathic message to gather for the celebration. Mothra and Zilla somehow convinced Godzilla to act as the Christmas tree, standing still while covered with multicolored lights made by Mothra's magic. Gamera, Yonggary, and a few others struggle not to laugh, while Godzilla is embarrassed. Gabara, having once been a young boy named Ichiro, knows what Christmas is, but he leaves, saying he never liked it and prefers April Fools Day. Godzilla makes a speech saying that they are all they have in the world and they should appreciate the time they have together. They take those words to heart and start having fun. Happy, Godzilla thanks Zilla for this wonderful idea.
