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Recap / The Angry Beavers E 14 Endangered Species

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Daggett gives himself a large bump on his head while operating heavy machinery at a construction site, which causes Scientist #1 and Pete to think that he is the last specimen of Great Horned Beaver, a supposedly Endangered Species

Tropes used:

  • Cranial Eruption: Daggett gets one of these while operating a wrecking ball, which kicks off the episode.
  • The Dog Bites Back: After all the abuse he suffers throughout the episode, Norbert gives some payback at the end of the episode. First, He rigs the scientists' equipment to fly into the air and explode, causing them to be trapped in the giant glass bubble they housed Daggett in and roll away. After that, Norbert repeatedly electrocutes Daggett with a giant version of the laser ray the scientists used on him.
  • Insane Troll Logic: When Norbert shows up dressed as the last Great Many-Horned Beaver, the scientists deduce that he must be more important than Daggett because he has multiple horns. Scientist #1 calls this "deductive logic-y stuff".
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Daggett dismisses the capabilities of workers at a construction site and vows to show them how construction is done. He hijacks a wrecking ball and causes a fiery explosion that engulfs the entire site.
  • Last of His Kind: Scientist #1 and Pete think Daggett is the last of the Great Horned Beavers.
  • No, Except Yes: Norbert is not mad that Daggett has repeatedly gotten him electrocuted and kicked out of the dam. He's "LEE-VID!".
  • Running Gag: Norbert being electrocuted by the scientists. He loses some fur each time this happens, and by the end he's hairless from the waist up.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: At first Daggett takes advantage of his new "endangered" status to taunt Norbert and then pretend to be be "threatened" when he tries to retaliate. The scientists respond by electrocuting Norbert.
