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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 108

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The chapter opens with Rentarou helping Yamame with her gardening work. He asks about the tent tucked away in the corner of the yard. Yamame reveals that that's where the gardening club advisor, Bonnouji-sensei lives. She invites him to come along as she delivers some vegetables to her.

Just as Rentarou is wondering what sort of teacher would live in a tent in the school yard, a drunk woman emerges from the tent, just in time for a ZING!!

Rentarou notices how messy the tent is as Girlfriend #21 thanks Yamame for always being so generous. She reveals that she had been living by a river for two years before Hahari allowed her to move to the roof. She introduces herself as Momoha Bonnouji, the ethics teacher. The irony of an ethics teacher drinking on school grounds is not lost on Rentarou.

Momoha offers them coffee, but Yamame has more work to do, leaving Rentarou alone with her. Momoha digs right into the daikon radish that Yamame brought for her. She explains that she tends to blow her salary on booze and gambling, so she doesn't really eat properly. Rentarou is stunned by this and mentally thinks that she's a loser... which Momoha immediately picks up on.

She fervently warns Rentarou to not end up like her before daydreaming about what to blow her paycheck on next.

She's tried to kick her vices, but she doesn't really have the patience for it. Saving money just puts her in a bad mood. The only vice she's successfully managed to kick was smoking. Rentarou notices that Momoha actually smells rather nice. She reveals that her family (who run a liquer store) made it so she wouldn't smell like booze around the clock. She offers Rentarou a taste, causing him to question how she got her teaching license.

Momoha finally admits that she's had enough: Sure, they've only just met and are teacher and student, but she can't get her feelings in check. She asks Rentarou... if he'll have sex with her.

Rentarou refuses to even squeeze her breasts when she offers, saying it's inappropriate for them to do that when they aren't even dating. Momoha says that they should just start dating, but Rentarou quickly points out the issues the two would run into, making Momoha wonder if he's an ethics teacher. Rentarou leaves to help Yamame, but things are still unresolved with Momoha.

While working, Yamame's shovel breaks, forcing them to stop for the day. The following morning, they find a new set of tools for them courtesy of Momoha. Yamame explains that she's done this before, providing the club with seeds and fertilizer with her own money. Hahari arrives and reveals that Momoha actually does quite a bit of work around the school. She also explains that the reason Momoha's parents kicked her out is because she spent all of her energy taking care of them at home when they wanted her to be more independent. She still sends money home.

Rentarou leaves to thank Momoha for the tools and finds her weeding. When he tells her what he's learned about her, she explains that no matter how poor or needy you are, it's still important to show gratitude to others. Rentarou compliments her and she starts to tease him. What she wouldn't give for a boyfriend like him! If only she were a bit younger. Rentarou tells her that it's not a problem: He has 20 other girlfriends, one of whom is 89 years old. If Momoha still wants to date him, he's okay with it.

Momoha accepts, but is concerned about the age difference between Rentarou and Yaku, asking if he's familiar with the concept of ethics.


  • Bait-and-Switch: Momoha goes through the usual motions of a confession, only to instead ask Rentarou to have sex with her right off the bat.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Rentarou normally has no issues with his girlfriends' quirks even during the first meeting, but an irresponsible drunk of a teacher is a bit much for him until he learns of Momoha's Hidden Depths.
  • Mystical 108: This chapter introduces a girlfriend crippled with kleshas whose name references this trope.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: This was briefly touched on when Naddy confessed to Rentarou, but this time addresses some of the issues that they could run into, presumably because Momoha is an ethics teacher and asked Rentarou for sex directly.
