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Recap / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) S05E13 "The Ice Creature Cometh"

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With the Technodrome still trapped in the ice, Shredder of Krang accidentally create an ice monster with their latest batch of mutagen (botched thanks to Bebop and Rocksteady) and use it to wreak havoc on New York.


  • Every Car Is a Pinto: Frosty grabs a truck of frozen meat. When he throws it on the Turtles, it explodes in a fireball.
  • Here We Go Again!: The whole point of Krang and Shredder's Evil Plan this episode was to unstick the Technodrome from the ice. They succeed, but the melting Frosty crashes against it and turns back into inert ice, leaving them even further stuck than before.
  • Snowlems: Frosty is a mutant ice giant created from Krang's latest batch of mutagen being dumped into the arctic glacier and mutating the micro-organisms within.
