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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Supercharge S2E3 Nightmare in Amber Beach

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Shelby's dad continues to pressure her into pursuing a career in business, telling her a B grade in her test is just not good enough for him. She promises to take the test again, but her displeasure is obvious to him. Heckyl meanwhile has a new plan in motion to steal the Energems. He recruits a monster who can cause nightmares to turn the rangers against one another.

A mysterious package arrives for Shelby at the cafe, Heckyl suggesting it may be from her father as encouragement. It turns out to be a nice fluffy pillow, perfect for taking a power nap in between studying. However Nightmare, the dream monster, uses the napping Shelby to attack the others in a sleepwalking trance, where in the dream, the others are all Vivix. Koda tries to defend himself from her sword using the pillow, and she slashes straight through it, removing the curse. As Nightmare appears and taunts the rangers about needing sleep eventually, he retreats, and the rangers regroup in the base.

The rangers all stay up all night doing various tasks while Kendall works on analyzing the remains of the pillow. Shelby crams for the test, Tyler shows off his juggling, Koda and Chase play video games, and Riley and Ivan spar with their swords. By daybreak, the analysis is complete, and Kendall realizes these pillows cause the victim to instantly fall asleep and suffer a nightmare. The rangers resolve to keep each other awake during work.

Nightmare complains to Heckyl that despite his best efforts, the rangers just aren't falling asleep; Heckyl responds that they need to make them tired by exhausting them in a fight. He sends a full armament of Vivix to the plaza in an attempt to draw the tired rangers out and make them collapse from exhaustion. At the cafe, Mr Watkins chides Shelby for saying that business is boring, by showing exactly what business means to him - turning a bunch of boring things into something exciting to sell for a tidy profit. While his words ring true, she is still unsure about whether to follow her dream or work the family business. A monster alert cuts the meeting short, and the rangers sans Ivan head to the plaza to stop the monsters. With each wave they defeat, they get more and more tired, and the Vivix are able to land more and more hits on them, tiring them further. Suddenly, Ivan appears, blasting both the Vivix and the rangers alike - he is asleep!

The rangers are able to get Nightmare out of his head, but Ivan is still fast asleep. They head back to the museum to find and destroy the pillow keeping him asleep. Shelby suddenly realizes that she needs to get to the college for her test, and Riley drives her there on his scooter. Her dad gives her some 'encouragement' but she expresses her desire to do her thing and not his. He realizes his error when he sees another parent and child talking about dinosaurs the same way Shelby used to talk to him like.

Heckyl decides to go for broke and uses pillows himself to knock out the rangers and take their Energems directly, getting five of the Energems and leaving them asleep on the floor. At that moment, Shelby catches him in the act, and confronts him adding all the pieces together. She destroys the pillow, waking the others, and they ask her what is going on, Heckyl trying to convince them it is because of the lack of sleep that she is acting paranoid. Kendall however sees the pattern emerge and sides with Shelby, and one by one the rangers turn on him, asking if he works for Snide. He corrects them as he transforms, shocking all of them. He lets slip that he doesn't know where their base is before he departs, which Shelby finds interesting. They soon realize that Riley is missing, and more than likely asleep. Heading to his Energem signature, they head to the quarry, and stop him from handing his Energem over to Fury. The rangers fight against Fury and Nightmare, defeating the latter, before he uses the Magnabeam to turn giant size. In response, the rangers create all three Megazords: the Plesio Charge, Ptera Charge, and Stego-Raptor Megazord. With their combined power, the rangers defeat Nightmare.

Mr Watkins listens to one of Shelby's tours around the museum and tells her to follow her passion, even making a dino themed ice cream cake for them to share.


  • Casting Gag: Shelby's dad has some experience dealing with Power Rangers.
  • The Cast Showoff: Brennan Mejia gets to show off his juggling skills.
  • Continuity Nod: Shelby's confusion about Snide not knowing about their base's location when they brought Heckyl there, considering Curio accidentally erased his memory about the base in the previous episode.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Heckyl, from the ranger's perspective.
  • Internal Reveal: The Rangers learn that Heckyl and Snide are one and the same.
  • Stock Footage Failure: The Vivix fight shows a bunch of Japanese text visible on the scenery, something that Dino Charge has been much better at avoiding thus far than its predecssor was.
  • Wham Episode: Shelby exposes Heckyl's deception to the Rangers.
  • Wham Line: When the Rangers confront Heckyl.
    Heckyl: "I don't... work for... Snide."
    Snide: "I AM Snide!"
