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Recap / Minilife TV Season 2 Episode 14

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Title: Robots, Wizards, and Rock 'n Roll
Release date: October 12, 2012

  • Bait-and-Switch: When Chris, Ian, and Michael are playing poorly in their band, Chris sees the problem with their performance that he believes would be hard for them to accept: they have faulty instruments.
  • Bait-and-Switch Performance: At first, it seems Chris, Ian, and Michael are playing well in their band, but it turns out they were just practicing by pretending to play their instruments over background music and when they actually perform, they play rather poorly.
  • Blaming the Tools: When Chris notices that him, Ian, and Michael are playing poorly in their band, he tells them their instruments are defective and they're convinced that the way they're playing isn't the problem.
  • Gotta Have It, Gonna Steal It: When Clair refuses Professor Lander's offer to sell Archie to him, Professor Lander is forced to kidnap Archie while Clair isn't looking.
  • "It" Is Dehumanizing: When Professor Lander asks where Clair got Archie, he refers to the robot as an "it", while Clair refers to the robot as a "he". Professor Lander thinks it's cute that Clair thinks Archie is alive by referring to the robot as a "he", but Clair finds it rather offensive.
