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Recap / Mahabharata S 01 E 45

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This episode of Mahabharata begins with an upset Yudhistir pacing around near the pool where Duryodhan fell and was laughed at. Draupadi approaches him and asks him what’s wrong. Yudhistir replies that her mockery of Duryodhan has upset him, because a.) It was wrong for her to insult a brother in law and b.) Duryodhan is an egotistical selfish individual who easily forgets his own mistakes, but never forgets or forgives even the slightest slights from others. So, this insult may well provoke a harsh retribution from Duryodhan - such as starting a war. Draupadi realizes her mistake and is ready to accept any punishment. Yudhistir says that she must do penance instead of suffering a punishment.

Back in the palace, Dhritharashtra asks Vidhur what his opinion is about inviting the Pandavas to Hastinapur. Vidhur seems alright with the idea at first, but changes his mind when informed that the purpose of the visit is to play dice. Vidhur admonishes Dhritharashtra that games of chance will cause intelligent individuals to lose their minds, as losers will be compelled to keep playing to regain their losses until utter ruination, while even winners get so overcome by Greed that they too continue to play until they too lose everything. Vidhur states that gambling is therefore dishonorable for warriors because once they start playing, they won’t know when to stop. Dhritharashtra overrules Vidhur as his king, and orders him to be the one to deliver the dice game invite to the Pandavas. Vidhur delivers the invite, and to his horror, Yudhistir accepts, believing the game to be a simple low stakes friendly icebreaker intended to start repairing relationships between the cousins.

Back at Hastinapur, a fuming Bhishma scolds Vidhur for “remaining in his place as prime minister” not acting like the Pandavas’ uncle instead and preventing them from accepting this invite. Bhishma starts to despair that a war between the cousins will now be inevitable. Meanwhile, Shakuni venerates his special dice that always fall to his desired number, and hands them over to Duryodhan. He is doing this to get around any plan by Vidhur to stop Shakuni from playing in this game with his special dice. If Duryodhan were to command that Shakuni play in his stead and hand Shakuni the pair of dice he should play with, no one will suspect that Shakuni’s special dice are in play.

The Pandavas arrive and formally greet everyone - except Draupadi who must sequester herself for three days and undergo a ritual bath before presenting herself to anyone. After formally receiving them in his court in a manner befitting an Emperor, Dhritharashtra orders that everyone relocate to the game room to watch the game of dice between the Pandavas and Duryodhan.

Tropes found here are

  • Despair Event Horizon: Bhishma falls in, believing that the dice game will lead to inevitable war.
  • Irrevocable Insult: Draupadi immediately realized after laughing at Duryodhan that it was wrong, and she cannot take it back. So, she is willing to accept any punishment Yudhistir deems appropriate.
  • Loophole Abuse: Shakuni is barred from playing in the game with his own special dice. But he can play with a pair of dice Duryodhan gives him, so he surreptitiously gives Duryodhan his special dice before the game - so that they’ll come back to him and be deployed with no one being the wiser.
  • Rules Lawyer: Bhishma scolds Vidhur for behaving this way, never doing anything to stop Dhritharashtra and Duryodhan’s machinations because “as prime minister, it is not his place”.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Of course, Yudhistir! This dice game is just a friendly way to break the ice between cousins, and Duryodhan has no ulterior motives at all! Never mind your own brothers snarking to Duryodhan about a “wax house” to warn you. Oh, they’re just being immature!
  • Women's Mysteries: Draupadi has to sequester herself for three days and then present herself only after a ritual bath. This could be due to her having her period note  or this may be her “penance” for mocking Duryodhan. It tends towards the former, as when Dhritharashtra asks why Draupadi is missing, Yudhistir only says that she’ll meet everyone in three days, and everyone nods in acceptance.
