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Recap / Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS - 14

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Episode 14 - Mothers & Children
Vivio gets a mother.

Now living with Nanoha and Fate, Vivio seems to be starting to see them as family. Meanwhile, the Forwards are getting used to the new combat modes of their Devices, which were unlocked when their limiters were released.

After morning practice, Hayate asks Teana to accompany her to TSAB Central HQ, where Chrono is overseeing the resupply of his new Interdimensional Warship, the Claudia. Verossa Acous is already meeting with Chrono, to discuss what he's learned from investigating Lt General Regius Gaiz. Regius has powerful political connections and a strong reputation for results, even if there are some dark rumours about him. Complicating matters is that relations between the Main and Ground divisions of the TSAB are strained, and Regius is particularly difficult to deal with.

When Hayate arrives with Teana in tow, Chrono asks how their recent inspection by Ground HQ went. Apparently Auris didn't manage to dig up any serious issues. Hayate mentions that the Forwards have been warned a terrorist attack on Ground HQ might be possible, although they haven't been told about the prophecy.

Fate is discussing the matter with Erio and Caro at that very moment. They talk about the history of the Time-Space Administration Bureau, and the system of laws it has established. The TSAB was founded about 150 years ago, banning the use of mass-based weapons and pushing the development of magic-based civilization. The current historical era of peace dates from 75 years ago, when the legendary Three Admirals started leading the Bureau.

While her children absorb this information, Fate thinks about the recent meeting with Carim and Chrono where the prophecy was discussed. The TSAB Main Branch, which includes the Dimensional Navy, is trying to bolster its defences, but Ground Forces HQ, led by Regius, refuses to cooperate. This is the reason behind Riot Force Six's unusual command structure: operating under the jurisdiction of the Ground Forces, but actually attached to the Navy in terms of its chain of command. Posing as a small and rather obscure investigative unit, it is designed to be in a position to take emergency action on the ground if necessary.

Back at Riot Force Six, Subaru and Nanoha talk about Vivio. Nanoha thinks it would be best if they can find a civilian family to adopt her in the long term, but she's willing to act as Vivio's guardian for now. They go to try and explain this to Vivio, but the girl doesn't really understand the details. Nanoha tells her that she will be Vivio's 'mama' for a while, until they can find her 'real' (permanent) mother. Vivio accordingly addresses Nanoha as 'Mama', to which Nanoha replies that she can call her that if she wants. Then she asks Vivio why she's suddenly crying...

Hayate and Teana finish talking with Chrono and Verossa, and head back to Mid-Childa. Both Verossa and Chrono are worried about Hayate and the pressures she's under. Verossa says that, as an investigator, he's in a position to offer covert assistance when he can.

Meanwhile, at 108th Battalion headquarters, Genya and Ginga are with engineering chief Mariel Atenza, going over the data on the Numbers. The data confirm that the Numbers are actually advanced combat cyborgs — a fact which Genya clearly finds ominous.

At Riot Force Six, Vivio is advised that if Nanoha is her Mama, then Fate will also be her Mama. After a moment's confusion, Vivio is clearly delighted to be getting two mothers for the price of one. The Forwards, digesting this information, observe that with these two as her guardians, Vivio should be invincible. The discussion of mothers, though, makes Subaru suddenly pensive...

Ginga, currently on her way to Riot Force Six to discuss their latest findings, is in a similar state of mind. What happened in the past, she thinks, is not over. It seems that the Combat Cyborg Incident, in which their mother was killed, has reared its ugly head once more...


  • Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene: As the kickoff to the second half of the season, this episode is mainly setup and Exposition.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The Arthra gets brought up during Chrono and Hayate's meeting, with Chrono mentioning that it's been decommissioned and is going to be dismantled soon.
  • Continuity Nod: Hayate brings up how Chrono used to be an Enforcer before he took up a command position.
  • Lecture as Exposition: Fate briefly explains the history of the TSAB to Caro and Erio.
  • Mundane Utility: Verossa uses magic to safely transport a cake without getting his suit dirty.
  • The Reveal: Here we learn why Subaru (and, it turns out, Ginga as well) were disturbed by the Numbers and their powers. Part of the reason, anyway...
  • Tears of Joy: When Nanoha tells Vivio she will be her mother for now, Vivio glomps onto her and bursts into tears.
