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Recap / Law & Order S1E10 "Prisoner of Love"

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Directed by Michael Fresco

Written by Robert Nathan & David Black

Victor Moore, an artist known for depicting scenes of BDSM, is found dead from apparent autoerotic asphyxiation. But since someone took photos of him while he was dying, Greevey and Logan are looking for a potential murder suspect. They discover that city commissioner Henry Rothman gave Moore a number of public arts grants to finance his work, and the powerful heiress Elizabeth Hendrick put up the rest of the money.

Rothman's prints match the photos found at the crime scene, and he is charged with manslaughter. His alibi is that he and Hendrick are having an affair and were together at the time of the murder. She denies it, but Rothman's phone records show many phone calls to her. The DAs uncover evidence from a wiretap that Hendrick and Rothman are in a dom/sub relationship where she controls him; and that she ordered him not to talk to police about Moore's death. Stone and Robinette find fetish gear and sedatives in her home. She is arrested.

Rothman initially accepts a plea to testify against Hendrick, but then she tells the Grand Jury that Rothman didn't take precautions with the harness and so Moore died when she was out of the room. Rothman changes his testimony to support hers, even after being warned that it will invalidate the plea bargain. He commits suicide before the hearing reaches a conclusion but leaves behind photos that prove Hendrick was there when Moore died. Hendrick will now be charged with Moore's murder.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Autoerotic Asphyxiation: The apparent manner of Moore's death.
  • Depraved Bisexual: This was Moore's public image.
  • The Dog Bites Back: After Hendricks orders him to confess to Moore's death and disavow her having anything to do with it (thus nullifying his prior plea agreement with Stone), Henry Rothman kills himself and in doing so provides polaroids to the police of Hendricks watching Moore die, thus providing hard, physical evidence linking her with Moore's death.
  • Driven to Suicide: Henry Rothman's ultimate fate.
  • Good Victims, Bad Victims: Referenced when Stone and Robinette interview a man who was injured during unsafe BDSM with Hendrick and Rothman. He says he didn't report it because he felt he'd just be made fun of for getting hurt during kinky sex.
  • Kinky Role-Playing: Hendrick, Rothman, and Moore regularly engaged in this.
  • Ripped from the Headlines: Seemingly taken from the murder of Eigil Vesti by Andrew Crispo ("The Death Mask Murder"); and controversy over the work of the photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.
  • Skewed Priorities: Gary Pardee refuses to testify at the Grand Jury hearing because he fears it'd ruin his career - as an actor who is typecast as a middle-class dad in commercials.
  • Sour Prudes: Greevey is prudish and judgmental towards everyone involved with the case, to the point of asking to be taken off the investigation because he thinks BDSM is sinful. Cragen declines.
