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Recap / KikoRiki Ep 110 "The Right To Be Lonely"

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Other dub names: Me, Myself, and Island (4Kids)

Krash and Chiko are trying to build the ship near Wally's house, which greatly distracts him from writing poetry. Combined with Krash asking him for nails, Chiko brings him some just in case when it turns out he doesn't have any, and Barry picking the wrong time to pay a visit, Wally runs off into the woods hoping to be left alone. He tries to write poetry again, but Rosa finds him almost immediately. In desperation, he climbs a tree and asks the heavenly powers for some peace and quiet. A strong gust of wind picks him up and lifts above the clouds. Wally looks at the sun but almost immediately falls down.

Wally wakes up on the shore of an uninhabited island. He got what he wanted, and enjoys his solitude. Although this allowed him to write many a poem, he didn't have anyone to read them to other than some fruit that loosely resemble his friends. Out of loneliness, he starts seeing copies of himself everywhere and plays football with them. Completely desperate, Wally writes SOS on a coconut and sends it to the sea. The island no longer seems so beautiful to him. Eventually, a ship approaches the island. It's the same ship Krash and Chiko were building, which they (alongside Barry) use to find Wally and bring him back home. Krash notices that Wally has been nervous recently and suggests him to go on vacation somewhere sunny and sandy.

